AchievedBDT 100,000.00
TargetBDT 100,000.00
Achieved So Far
BENEVOLENT: Our benevolent, Mr. Suhmangol Chakma has no formal education,
can do his signature only. He has no cultivating land to grow seasonal grains.
He lives in a house situated on top of a small hill measuring about 2 acres [6
bigha]. Mr. Suhmangol grows some vegetables and harvested
various fruits from this land. He also rears a few numbers of poultry &
goat in the same area. Previously his main earning source was a grocery shop
cum tea stall, 50 yards away from his house by the side of Baghaichari- Dighi
Nala highway. His shop has been vandalized by some miscreants several months
back. It causes the interruption of his monthly income. At present he is doing some livestock business
by taking loan from the local Mahajan. The profit margins are very less as the
interest rate of loan is very high. Mr. Suhmangol
is going through a financial crisis now-a day.
Program category : SELF-RELIANT
Project type : [a] Grocery shop with tea-stall, [b] Goat farming [c] Poultry farming & [d] banana cultivation.
code : DRF-SRP-23-006
Project challenge : [a] Monthly income deficit: average BDT 9,000, [b] Daughter with special need, [c] Decreased physical activity due to elderly age.
Fund requirement : BDT 1,00,000. [One Lac only]
Project location : Village/Road: Netrajoy, 56 no. Baro Haza-Chora, Union [P.O.]: Chato Merung; Upazilla: Dighinala, District: Khagrachari.
Date of fund
handover : February,
Name of Project Convener: Dr. Shuvas Basu Chakma, Member
of the foundation;
Name of project
supervisor : Dr.
Shuvas Basu Chakma
Name of benevolent : Mr. Suhmangol Chakma [Sapna Bap] 62 years.
National ID of benevolent : 7777997987
Late Krishna Kumar Chakma [Mother]: Late Mangalda Chakma [Wife]: Kamalini
Chakma(D/O Batya Chakma & Shanti Lata Chakma) , Housewife , [Son 01]: Arun
Bikash Chakma, 35yrs married having
wife, one son & one daughter ,
living in separate house, [Son 02]: Sukhi Jibon Chakma , 29 yrs , married
having wife & one son , living in
separate house, [Daughter 01] : Mrs.
Sapna Chakma. 42 yrs. Married having husband one son, living in separate house,
[Daughter 02] : Chaya Debi Chakma, 32 yrs. Unmarried , mentally retarded ,
dependent & living with our benevolent, [Daughter 03: Mrs. Reshmi Debi
Chakma, 25yrs , married having husband & one son , living in separate
BENEVOLENT: Mr. Suhmangol Chakma, our benevolent came to notice by Dr. Suvash
Basu Chakma, member of our foundation.
On primary evaluation of the benevolent, it is
found that Mr. Suhmangol is a physically restricted person due his elderly age
and very low earning person with additional liabilities of his mentally
retarded daughter. . At present moment he is in a monthly deficit of BDT 8,000.
There are no other ways for him to increase his monthly earning from his livestock
business and vegetables farming due to lack of fund and his own physical
EXPERINCES OF THE BENEVOLENT: Our benevolent has a 10 years of experiences in
running grocery shop including a tea-stall. Also experienced in goat &
poultry rearing, vegetable Mushroom farming.
Considering the above marginal condition of the benevolent Dr Suvash takes the initiative to help Mr. Suhmangol through M22 Doctors’ Foundation with the aim to make his life self-reliant.
[ 1st
STEP] : For
immediate increase of monthly earnings: [a] Renovation of his grocery shop plus tea-stall. Initial profit target per
month projected as BDT six Thousand (6,000), [b] A very small-scale poultry farm
producing at least 15 eggs per day. It will provide BDT 3000 per month.
STEP]: for long
term earnings: [a] A small-scale goat farm (5 goats), [b]
Home based Mushroom farming, [c] Banana Farming
FUND REQUIREMENT: BDT 1,10,000 only [ Grocery shop repair: BDT 20,000 + [Grocery items: BDT 35,000; + 5 Goat with shed: 30,000; + 20 poultry with shed: BDT 10,000; + Mushroom with shelf: BDT 10,000
The followings are the positive outcome of this project: [a] Mr. Suhmangol will run his own business efficiently
instead of moving here and there. [b] Moreover, he will be able to earn extra
money from the goat rearing & mushroom farm that can be deposited as
savings in a local bank. This savings will help him to fulfil his other basic
needs, thereby overall improvement the quality of life. [ c] Mr. Suhmangol will
be able to contribute his daughter’s treatment. It will create an enormous
value in respect of the social perspective. [d] The capital investment is one time, but
its benefit will be continued for many years. [f] Mr. Suhmangol and his family
members will get free medical consultation from Dr. Suvash and M22 Doctors’
Foundation as well,