Imagine a day when every underprivileged people got home, outfits, nourishment, quality education and
healthcare. How the imagination will come true?
We believe government can able to work well for all level of people. Unfortunately, such dream is far away
as the growth of “marginal people with less or no income” in Bangladesh has been on the rise over the past
years. However, many charity organizations from home & abroad along with the government have been working
hard to improve the quality of life of the marginal people of Bangladesh.
In this context, in May 2023, a Group of doctors graduated from Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh,
Bangladesh, batch M22 established a voluntary organization on a decision to devote themselves towards
“people with less or no income’’ (the marginal people of Bangladesh) with the aim to make their life
self-reliant. The term self-reliant denotes the improvement of the 5 basic needs of the marginal people of
The voluntary organization i.e., “M22 Doctors’ Foundation” is a non-profit, non-political organization. The
foundation uses its vision and ideas for real solutions that break the barriers to meet community needs and
boost government in meaningful ways. It projects on long-term community development rather than short-term
benefits as many other charities do; as the saying goes: give a man a fish and he eat for a day, but teach a
man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life.
The “M22 Doctors’ Foundation” works shoulder to shoulder with community people, international voluntary
organization(s) and Government by developing various innovative “self-reliant social programs”. The
foundation connects and convenes underprivileged but diligent people from all over the country to inspire
each other, share success, learn, build, and transform community system.
The overall aim and objectives of M22 Doctors’ Foundation is to focus on improving the living standards of
those on low-to-no incomes. The Foundation works at the grassroots level in villages or wards for social,
cultural, health care, educational, and environmental development of underprivileged rural and urban slum
communities including ethnic minority.
Our charity does not merely provide a “handful of money” to a underprivileged, rather it acts as a seed to
the benevolent who can be turned into a social entrepreneur with time.