
Dr Pintu Bhuiya. Toronto, Canada

Member, M22Doctors’ Foundation

Pintu Bhuiya has completed his MBBS degree from Dhaka University (Mymensingh Medical College), Bangladesh. He is the Managing Director for the Sleep and Alertness Clinic, in Toronto Western Hospital and International Sleep Clinic in West Parry Sound Health Centre (WPSHC).

Pintu has done extensive research specifically related to shift work with Dr. Colin Shapiro and is highly experienced in computer based polysomnographic technology. He is capable of using several different polysomnography software, analyzing and interpretation of polysomnographic data.

Since he started in this field, Pintu was instrumental in establishing the Sleep Laboratory at Timmins, ON, has worked with miners, clinicians and researchers in sleep medicine, keeping him at the leading edge of the technology, research and business aspects of the field.
He has firsthand experience in preparing/assisting of Sleep Clinic Policy and Procedure Manual, Safety Manual, Infection Control manual, Emergency Response Plan and Quality Assurance Manual in accordance with the guidelines from the Independent Health Facility Act (IHFA) and College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO).

He organizes and prepares many CME courses for physicians, Dentist, students and technologists. He has been involved in training the physicians, Dentist (fellowship for the scope of practice sleep medicine), Polysomnography Technologists and the Scorers. He has compiled a comprehensive training program and guide for Polysomnography Technology. He has adequate knowledge of all aspects of clinical sleep medicine (trained as a clinical sleep educator, BRPT USA), research and technology. He is a reputable free-lancer Quality Assurance Consultant and successfully represented numerous independent sleep laboratory for IHF license in Ontario.

He coordinates “Polysomnograpy Course” and lectures several vital topics of the course. Recently Pintu’s focus has been to assist on different sensors for its applications and pursuing to find out alternative methods to facilitate more effective and comfortable polysomnography.
He is a member of AAST (USA), Canadian Sleep Society (CSS) and a member of working committees of ICAO (Independent Clinics Association of Ontario).  He is a renowned American board certified RPSGT and RST (of American Board of Sleep Medicine) who has lectured in different topics of sleep medicine and technical issues both nationally and internationally.